четвер, 26 травня 2022 р.



Ukraine Netherlands Australia.

Чи можливо підтримувати згуртованість та командний дух на відстані, дотримуючись дистанційного формату роботи? 

Як показав досвід не тільки можливо, а ще й корисно. Онлайн гра «SPY QUEST» Студії Інтелектуальних ігор «Pelican» і Тренінг центру «Альянс» спрямована на командоутворення та розвиток важливих soft-навичок.

Учасники з України, Нідерландів та Австралії під час онлайн тренінгу  познайомились, дізнались про смаки та вподобання один одного, налагодили дружні стосунки.  

Чекаємо на ваші команди.


 Дізнатися більше про онлайн програми:



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Online team building 

customer reviews.

Hope everyone is back safe and sound!

I just would like to sum up the Spy Quest.

First of all, my big compliments on fantastic Play!

It was dynamic and despite the heat and early hours there was a lot to talk about and have a good laugh. It is one part of the Quest. Success.

The other part is about the Players and the Winners.

The Quest is meant to have Points. Points provoke people to play. Of course.

They say “not everything that counts can be counted.  And not everything that can be counted counts.”  There were only four rounds and 12 people! there is too much luck to definitively say this person is better and in the end it is very subjective in this context.

My bad, it was my personal decision to drop the points and focus on the discussion flow.

I apologise if you expected more “tangible results”.

Points should have been earned via chat or whatsapp prior to Voting because when Voting is going on some people change their Vote when hear other people's reasoning.

In any case, the Quest itself exposes who knows what and who is prepared to ask questions and who is a slow learner.  Or who has a poor or great memory.  Who can’t open up.  Who has a great imagination. And other aspects like who is mocking around. 

You could see it better for yourself since you were watching each other in person.

The Quest exposes the characteristics of the team mates.

It is a Team play. Where is the “team” when everyone plays for themselves, you might ask.

When one tries to be understood he/she lets others know that he/she is not a spy. In such way it is easier to spot a Spy. When someone is playing around then he/she makes team’s decision-making difficult .

Thank you for taking Spy Quest into you big weekend out.

I hope you all enjoyed your play and learnt something new about each other.



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